by Tim Murray Browne
In Development 2020/2021
Sonified Body is a research project using artificial intelligence to create an instrument that transforms the moving body into sound in real-time. It is a collaboration between Glasgow-based digital artist Tim Murray-Browne and artist/AI researcher Panagiotis Tigas (Oxford University), with support from the Computer Science Department, University of Glasgow.
Tim Murray-Browne is an artist and creative coder from the UK creating interactive installations and performances. His work explores how our sense of self is formed through our lived, embodied experience. It includes ensembles of bespoke musical instruments performed by the audience, audiovisual landscapes generated by the movement of a dancer, interactive light and sound sculptures that respond to the viewer’s position and immersive one-on-one performances to transform an individual’s memories into calligraphic images. It has been exhibited around the world at venues including Tate Modern, The Victoria & Albert Museum and Berkeley Art Museum.
For more information on the work of Tim Murray Browne visit:
Project supported by Preverbal Studio, Creative Scotland, CCA, Feral and Present Futures Festival.