by Saffy Setohy and Bill Thompson
Visually and sonically captivating, Light Field is an off-grid, participatory installation made of light, people and the sound of light. A collaborative project by UK based artists Saffy Setohy and Bill Thompson. A field of glowing beacons and sound-emitting lanterns await activation. A multi-part sound-score is gently amplified through kinetically powered lanterns. Light Field invites people to both become part of and alter the ambient installation. Simple choreographic instructions invite possibilities for movement and play. Responses to the instructions subtly affect the installation, generating an emergent choreography of elements. Light Field changes over time as people come and go, creating an extraordinary and unique experience for those activating it, and for those watching and listening nearby or from afar.
Starting life within the context of UNESCO Year of Light and Art Cop, Light Field uses modified consumer and lo-fi technologies to playfully and philosophically consider our relationship to natural and technological light and darkness, as well as to each other. Light Field’s sound score was created by converting lightwaves found within our natural and built environment. The tonal hums of street lamps and emergency exit signs ebb and flow, cut through the pops, crackles and whistles of the Northern Lights.
For more information about the work of Saffy Setohy visit:
Lead Artists: Saffy Setohy and Bill Thompson
Producers: Feral (Jill Smith and Kathryn Boyle)
Support by Creative Scotland, Creative Carbon Scotland, CCA with Dance House, UZ Arts, InSitu, DanceLive and Sound Festival, Gayfield Creative Spaces Technological development has been supported by Yann Seznec and Hacklab Edinburgh (Costa Telalaev and Al Bennett)
Light Field has toured to the following festivals and venues:
Gayfield Creative Spaces, Edinburgh
Knockengorroch Festival,Dumfries and Galloway
Catstrand Arts Centre, Dumfries and Galloway
Supernormal Festival, Oxford
Travellings, Lieux Publics, Marseille
DanceLive/Sound Festival, Aberdeen
Galoshans Festival, Greenock
FACT, Light Night Liverpool, UK
LightNight Leeds, UK
Hidden Gardens, Tramway, UK
Dansefestival Barents, Hammerfest, Norway
Callander House, UK
LightNight Nottingham, UK
Doune the Rabbit Hole, UK
Deer Shed Festival, UK
Crathes Castle Banchory, UK